HomeTechnologyPiso wifi pause time | Piso WiFi

Piso wifi pause time | Piso WiFi

What is Piso WiFi Pause Time?

Piso WiFi Pause Time mention to a  non-permanent intrusion or pause in the internet connection of a Piso WiFi network. Piso WiFi is a kind of public WiFi assistance that provides internet entrance in exchange for a fee. The Pause Time quality permits the Piso WiFi operator to manage network utilization and make sure that equitable dispensation of bandwidth among customers.

When allowed, Pause Time temporarily hangs up the internet connection for a quantified duration. During this period, customers are incapable of entering the internet, and their sessions are spontaneously disconnected. The Piso WiFi operative can set the period of Pause Time, oscillating from a few seconds to several minutes.

The Pause Time feature is frequently utilized to stop network misuse by customers who unreasonably consume bandwidth, such as those who download large files or stream videos for long periods. By applying Pause Time, The Piso WiFi operator safeguards that all customers have equal access to the accessible bandwidth, thereby maintaining a fast and receptive network for everyone.

Steps to set up Piso Wi-Fi:

Setting up a Piso WiFi router is a speedy and straightforward process that can be accomplished in just a few minutes by following the precise steps. If you’re new to setting up a Piso Wi-Fi and feeling undefined about the process, don’t worry. We’re here to deliver you with a step-by-step guide below.

  • Link your Piso router to the internet.
  • Open your web browser and enter the admin interface.
  • Type “” in the URL bar to open the site.
  • Make available your login details, including your login name and password. Safeguard that you enter the correct info for a successful login.
  • Find the “WiFi” or “Wireless” option in the router section.
  • Enter the compulsory information correctly.
  • Once finished, click the “Save” button and return to the main page.
  • Congratulations! Your Piso WiFi router is now set up and prepared to be used. The whole process should only take a few minutes to complete.
  • By following these steps, you’ll be able to smoothly set up your Piso WiFi router and start enjoying its benefits in no time.
Piso wifi pause time

Benefits of using Piso Wi-Fi:

Learn the Advantages of Using Piso WiFi:

  • Piso WiFi is an outstanding platform that provides many benefits to its customers. Let’s explore some of the highlights:
  • User-Friendly Interface: With Piso WiFi, you can effortlessly and rapidly organize your router settings through a user-friendly admin panel reachable anytime and anyplace.
  • Reasonable Option: Piso WiFi router is a reasonable solution, providing a budget-friendly choice for anyone looking to set up a Wi-Fi network.
  • Unforgettable IP Address: The IP address is easy to recall,allowing you to enter the admin panel conveniently.
  • Hassle-Free Access: You can access the admin panel naturally without following any complicated steps. Simply enter the IP address into your browser, log in, and modify your settings as needed.
  • Customizable Settings: With Piso WiFi, you can manage data
  • capacity, transfer, and internet usage times to modify your settings and tailor your experience.
  • Availability for All: Anyone can access Piso WiFi, whether you want to arrange your settings or set up a new Piso router.
  • Consistent Customer Support: Piso WiFi provides exceptional customer support, safeguarding that you can quickly and easily get the help you need.
  • Online Payment Selections: By accessing Piso WiFi, you can suitably make your payments online, adding to the overall ease and convenience of this platform. 

Process to change piso Wi-Fi network password

To successfully complete the process, follow these steps:

  • Link to a Wi-Fi network.Open a browser and direct to the Piso Wi-Fi web page by entering ‘’ in the address bar.
  • A login window will appear. Enter your login name  and password, and then tick on the login button.
  • On the left menu, find and choose ‘Gateway’ and then click on Connection’ followed by ‘Wi-Fi’.
  • Look for the ‘Private Wi-Fi Network’ section to find your Wi-Fi network’s name.
  • Click on the ‘Edit’ option equivalent to your Wi-Fi network name.Within the network password section, click on ‘New Password’.
  • Continue to change the password and recall to save your changes.

Features of Piso wifi pause time

Piso Wifi offers an exclusive benefit over its contenders by giving way a daily 15-minute free wifi distribution to its customers. Furthermore, there are no limits on connecting numerous devices to a single account, making the procedure of joining and leaving simple and hassle-free. Even those using overseas SIM cards can effortlessly enter this internet service by entering their mobile phone number.

If you apply a VPN while linking to public wifi, you can enter the extra features provided by both the subscription and free plans, provided you have a high-speed internet connection. Moreover, upon upgrading to a subscription plan, you can add more devices to your account.


Dodge Irritating Ads: When you use a public wifi network, you might encounter inconvenient advertisements that are mainly aimed at making money. Although the Piso wifi pause time service itself is free, the network workers make income from ad businesses whenever you click on those ads.

Safeguard Security: Public wifi networks stance certain security dangers due to multiple customers accessing the network concurrently from the same location. If your device’s firewall is not sufficiently configured when you connect to such a network, you run the hazard of conveying delicate data like passwords and PINs over the network. To stay safe, it is advisable to refrain from retrieving any trustworthy data while using a public network.

Slow Network Speed: Public Wi-Fi networks are frequently shared among many customers, resulting in noteworthy bandwidth loss and subsequently slower network speeds. The increased customer load can even reason the connection to drop completely, leading to trying experiences over time. This issue requires attention and improvement.


What is a IP address?

It is a remote IP address that can only be used
in private settings like home, etc.

What is the login name and password?

Password and login name are the identifications
that will let you log in to Without these, you can’t sign in.

How can I check my remaining time in piso wifi?

Login to wifi portal and then the
remaining time will appear on the screen.

How can I find my password? 

If you haven’t changed your password before,
just try the default passwords. But if you have altered and don’t recall it,
you can use the forget password feature.

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